Gärtnerinnenhof Blumberg is committed with heart and hand to the organic cultivation of various types of fruit and vegetables and they would be happy if you visit them.
Über die Blütenmeerimkerei Eingebettet in die Niederung der Unteren Havel an der Grenze zu Sachsen-Anhalt und nur rund siebzig Kilometer nordwestlich von Berlin gelegen, erstreckt sich der Naturpark Westhavelland als umfangreichstes Großschutzgebiet Brandenburgs. Ob leuchtend gelbe Weideflächen mit Löwenzahn im Mai, duftende Robinienhaine im Juni oder blühende Lindenalleen im Juli – der Naturpark Westhavelland bietet…
EI-CARE EI care received the “best new product” award from BioFach in 2012. Do you why? because the way in which they obtain the eggs is extremely respectful to the animals. This project was launched in 2011 to create an alternative to today’s chicken farming that specializes in either egg or high-performance meat. The traditional way of…
SAN JUAN BAUTISTA COOPERATIVE PICUAL VARIETY Since 2009, the farmers of Navas de San Juan, have been making an immeasurable effort to convert the olive grove of this town into a forest of olive trees, under the umbrella of integrated production. This means maintaining production, while at the same time respecting the environment so…
Apples We believe that organic fruit growing, especially Demeter fruit growing, is the most sustainable method of fruit production. But, this is not enough for us! In terms of ecology and environmental protection, clean energy, and social commitment, we go far beyond the legal requirements of organic farming and call this method Augustin Öko-Plus. Using…
Obsthof Beerenbunt is located in the idyllic area of Triebischtal, 10 km west of Dresden. Stephan Kaiser and his family bought two dilapidated four-sided courtyards in 2007 and renovated them with the environment and preservation in mind. In 2011, Stephan founded the “Obsthof Beerenbunt” company on this spot. Since then, we have been producing a…